
If You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail

“Do you ever feel like you are getting nowhere and don’t know why? ”

They say if you do the same thing over and over then you can’t expect a different result, they also say be consistent and the results will come. What do you believe in this scenario?

Both and here is why:

Let’s put this into perspective from a gym training point of view (but know this is relevant to anything)

If you go to the gym and do the same thing without planning and tracking your progress, then you can’t expect a different result to the one you are getting.

If you plan to do the same routine for a period whilst tracking your progress and changing your routine after that period depending on the results you have achieved, then you can be confident that you will make progress and can stick to the process.

The key here is planning, tracking and analysing over a certain period.

Click this link to find out how tracking your workouts will benefit you.

The Benefits Of Tracking Your Workouts

Do you plan what you are doing and log it to see your progress? Let’s delve a little more into this aspect:

If you are planning without tracking your progress, how do you know if the plan is working?

Planning will help you create structure (which is very important) but to maximise the benefits then tracking your workouts and analysing the data over a certain period is the way to go, this will tell you where you have hit plateaus, become stronger etc and will shape further programming dependent upon your goal

Putting it all together:

There are a few ways to start, either program your own program if you have the know-how, or consult a professional to help you construct a program specified to you and your goals.

Click the link below to help ask yourself the right questions when setting up your program:

Ready To Get The Results You Deserve?

The planning should include scheduled program reviewing and measuring. For example, every 4 to 8 weeks you would review your program, take measurements specific to your goals and either move to the next phase or continue with the same phase. (this will be dependent on your goals and data captured)

Make sure you have a good system for tracking and scheduling.

The days of using spreadsheets are long gone, there are platforms available that will track your data, give you tips and techniques on chosen exercises and allow you to review and analyse.

Looking for a great, new age platform? Ask the Temple team for access to their all-in-one training and tracking system.

Using a planned process will make your time in the gym extremely beneficial and you can rest assured you are making the right decisions for you (data doesn’t lie)

Key takeout’s:

Plan a program to last a specific timeframe (4 to 8 weeks) Seek help if help is required.
Collect as much data as you can about yourself (training, nutrition, measurements, steps etc)
No more using spreadsheets that actually make things harder. Use an advanced training /tracking system (for access to the Temple platform, see one of the team)
Scheduled reviewing (every 4 to 8 weeks) analyse your data and only change your programming to suit your goals
Need help:

The Temple team have devised a system that will take care of every aspect of your training including your 24/7 gym membership and personal training for one very affordable price point.

For further information, click the link below:

Welcome to New Wave – Your Complete Training System

To get started click the link below and fill in your details to secure your spot (the spots are very limited)

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